5 tips for practicing Self Love

Loving Yourself isn’t Vanity it’s Sanity
-  Katrina Mayer

As a woman and a mother all too often I forget to practice self love. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say sometimes I find myself always looking after everybody, which can often result in me forgetting to be good to me. So as International Woman’s Day  approaches I thought it was only right to remind us women to practice self love! We can never hear these words enough  - BE GOOD TO YOURSELF!


Here are 5 things that I felt to share which work for me – I do try to do them as much as possible, however, it’s just not regular enough. 


Going to the gym or working out, is something I try to do a few times a week. Sometimes it's a struggle to get there but once I do, and finish my work out, I feel fantastic. I once remember reading that J LO said when she’s feeling a bit low, she will go for a work out, come home shower, fix her hair and put on a bit of make up and she feels great – I’ve tried this a few times and it really does work for me. The gym can always be substituted for a short work out at home or even a jog in the local area - if you feel up to it. 

Taking a walk is also a form of exercise and can be one of the most simplest yet invigorating things to do, it can really clear your mind too. If you can get to a park, even better, being with nature really does improve your mood and takes you away from the daily grind. 

Pamper yourself

I know, this one is kind of obvious but sometimes we just need to hear these things. Take time out, run yourself a bath, put something nice in it, maybe some lavender oil.  Put a ‘do not disturb’ notice up or let the household know it’s a no go zone for an hour or so and just spend as much time as you can in there. 

Give yourself a home facial, do your nails or even soak your feet.  This always works for me, again it’s just about making that time to do something nice for yourself.

Have some simple ME time.

I personally need to have some time to myself every day, if I don’t it can feel like I’m going crazy. For me it’s evening time after I’ve put the kids to bed and finished doing my chores. Sometimes I might watch something on TV, I’m sure we all have our guilty pleasures of trash TV - watching something not so serious helps me to unwind and relax. You could read a magazine/ book have a read of your favourite blog (Dare to Arise maybe...), just something that you spend time doing on your own, especially if you’re a mother like me and you spend a lot of time with your children, you definitely need this time! Even sitting in silence can work wonders too. 

Looking after your body

Things like making sure we’re eating properly, drinking enough water are crucial factors. If we want to be our best self we need to ensure we’re feeding ourselves with the correct foods and also getting enough sleep. Not always easy, I know -  I struggle with this big time, but it’s something I’m working on. 

Igniting Your Passions. 

We all have things we are passionate about and I think it’s important to practice embracing the things you love and those things that make you stand out. Take time to pursue your interests and dreams where possible. This is something as women I think we are pursuing more and more, nowadays, which really is a beautiful thing. 

Remember that you are special in your own way. Just remembering to love yourself and all your imperfections rather than beating yourself about things is very important too.
And no excuses  - you can never be too busy to put yourself first at times. 

So these are some of the things that help me, let’s share below things that we do when we maybe in need of a little pick me up and ways in which we show ourselves love.


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