Learning to accept the things we cannot change

Many times we will find ourselves in situations that we don’t particularly like. It could be a relationship or a job and I think one of the greatest lessons we can learn is to accept things for how they are instead of trying to put up a resistance. Putting up a resistance can often create pain or conflict that is just not helping us at all. However, when we allow ourselves to accept what is, only then are we are able to experience a feeling of peace.

There may be instances where we can simply just remove ourselves from the situation and if we can then that is obviously a wise thing to do. However, there are some things we just cannot change and sometimes we may never get the justice we feel we deserve. I find that by just focusing on the now - the present moment, as opposed to focusing on the issue, you are then a lot more likely to feel at peace and even gain more clarity. You may even find the situation changes or solutions arise which can help you to overcome the situation or thing that you are experiencing.

I should add that by learning to accept certain things it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should inactively put up with a situation or fail to make a plan of action to bring about a positive change. By doing these things without putting up an inner resistance, you'll find that you are definitely more at peace.

Here are examples of some of the things that we can learn to let go of:

The past 

Learning to move on from things that we’ve have been holding onto from the past, a common one could be a bad relationship. I’ve certainly been there and once I had decided to let go of what I was feeling I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. 

Hurt and resentment

If someone has done something to hurt you, let it go, free up your energy, don’t hold on to resentment… it’s not good for us - it’s very draining and time consuming.

Negative Thoughts

By sending love and light to people and situations it can help to ease the negative thoughts you have. Learning to show gratitude and appreciation is also a good way to eliminate negative thought patterns.  

For me, letting go of things has allowed to me experience personal growth, it can allow new opportunities to flow into your life, enhance your creativity and of course it’s also good for your well being. 

Is there anything that you are holding on to that you need to accept and let go, take a pact today to try and take action to let it go.


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