Stepping out of your comfort zone
So I’m trying this new approach to life and I think it’s working quite well for me. I’m trying to be more daring, by trying new things, things that I may not have tried in my younger years and things I may have been fearful of in the past.
For example I’m very shy when it comes to meeting new people, I’m not the type who will approach new people easily and in social situations I often struggle to participate, if I’m honest it does kind of bug me out at times, as I wish I could be more confident. So for me, stepping out of my comfort zone means approaching new people in social situations and networking with people, this is something that I find painfully uncomfortable, but how else am I going to grow and gain confidence if I don’t pluck up the courage and just do it.
Each time I put myself out there it does get slightly easier, but I’ve still got a long way to go. Maybe I’ll always be slightly uncomfortable in this sort of situation - it could be that I just need to learn to live with the discomfort and get on with it. Sometimes I would much rather prefer to be in my own little corner and hope that no one sees me, but then again what benefits would I really gain from that.
The next hurdle I’m hoping to tackle is public speaking, even saying it makes me feel nervous. Expressing myself in front of a group of people is something I find very difficult, but I’ve heard of many people having exactly the same issue and managing to overcome it - so I don’t see why I can’t do the same. I’m yet to tackle this one so I will keep you posted.
For each of us stepping out of our comfort zone could mean different things. It could be trying a new hairdo, a new outfit, a new dish or going somewhere you wouldn’t normally go. I think every day or every week, it can be very beneficial to try something that makes you feel a tad bit uncomfortable. It’s all about personal growth which I think is quite important to me.
Sometimes even putting a bit of pressure on myself makes me realise I'm capable of doing some wonderful things, don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with being in your comfort zone, but every so often challenging yourself and getting out of your comfort zone can produce some great results. Now, I look forward to many challenges - doing things that take me out of my comfort zone….minus the public speaking which is real big one for me.
So let’s to do this, dare to arise and step out of your comfort zone, I’m certain there are some areas where you could definitely apply this in your life.
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