Style Inspiration - Boss Woman!

So, this post for some may be controversial….I wrote it a little while ago and then a few weeks ago this woman did something that I consider really quite disappointing and ignorant. She and a friend of hers came under some serious thunder and fire for posting a picture which had the word "n***a" in it.  Gosh I'm sweating writing the word even with the stars in it! πŸ˜…

She and her friend claimed it was referring to a Kanye West and Jay-Z song that they loved, "n***a's in Paris".  However they really did not give much thought to the word and the implications posting a picture with it in, particularly as two white women, would have.  Well...the hell and fury they’ve been subjected to I think should dissuade them from ever writing a word like that again and should hopefully make them question and challenge themselves and those around them about their conscious or unconscious prejudices and racial biases.  I don't think Mira meant to be rascist (although I do think unconsciously/subconsciously most of us in some way or another are...article for another day), I just think she was careless and thoughtless.

Well, I think she suffered and was punished quite significantly (check out the hate and threats on her Instagram - wow!). I think there’s enough hate in the world, lets try being forgiving and educating people more, giving some grace and  rising above.  People say and do stupid and ignorant things, they shouldn’t be killed but corrected and made to think about what it is they’ve done and said.  In fact,  I personally don’t think anyone black or white should be using the ’n’ word at all, whatever their reason and I detest that there is a song with a title that has the 'n' word in it.

So...deep breath….hate me or love me for it (I early in this blogs life!)….my next style inspiration….Miroslava Duma - Boss Woman! - my original article...

I just stumbled across this woman, I can't even remember when. I just remember seeing her in blogs that I follow usually snapped during fashion week. Then I saw her pregnant during a fashion week picture and was just in love with how stylish a woman could be whilst pregnant. She was for sure my style inspiration when I was pregnant (as well as in general, when I have the places to wear such outfits to 😩).  I then started to stalk (yes STALK) her using google to work out who she was, when I did eventually find out, I was even more inspired.

Miroslava Duma, is a Russian digital entrepreneur and investor in the world of international fashion. She was at one point editor at Russian Harper's Bazaar, then she founded digital company Buro 24/7 a Russian-based fashion and lifestyle platform called  She co-founded The Tot, a really cool (of course it is!) US based online shop for mothers and their children...then to top it off she has recently launched a new venture called Fashion Tech Lab that funds, connects and develops cutting-edge technologies and sustainable innovation for the fashion industry. There is so much more that this woman has done, I can't even begin to describe how influential she has become in the fashion world!
If all that wasn't enough, this tiny pretty little woman is a mother of three! She recently gave birth to her THIRD child 😲 As a mother of two I cannot even begin to imagine where she finds the time and energy to do all the amazing things she is doing. She is always busy on instagram, travelling all over the world, snapping pictures with major fashion and music innovators.

Whilst I was initially attracted to this woman because of her style, I am inspired and in awe of what she is doing.  She's a powerhouse, an innovator, driven, arisen me she epitomises the definition of the term BOSS lady...also in all pictures or videos I see of her she just appears so humble and fun loving. I want to be like Miroslava Duma 😍 when I grow up! Minus the third child πŸ˜†


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