How to pick an outfit in 2 minutes

I'm told I have trouble accepting compliments.  One comment I often get is about how nicely dressed I am.  This one in particular I struggle with because I put next to zero effort into getting dressed.  And my 3 year old must know this because just this morning when I changed my outfit she said "mummy why did you change, is it stinky?" Lol.  Because the only considerations are - is it clean?  Does it need ironing?  How many things do I need to iron (dresses are fab - only one thing to iron), slap on some foundation and then gone.  

For me, life with two small children doesn't afford the luxury of mulling over what to wear.  But a stylist once said in passing something that has stuck over the years:  only buy pieces you absolutely love.  Even if it's just earrings.  Never buy just for functionality or if you don't luuuurrve it.  Only buy what you love.  And when you don't have time to carefully coordinate your look as we so often don't, the final result is not far off from great 😗  Look good feel good!


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