Dare to Arise!
Hi there, beautiful, strong and bold woman! Welcome to Dare to Arise!
I am Tosin, the founder of Dare to Arise...its been in my heart for so long to find ways to bring women together so that we can listen to, support, encourage and empower each other.
I believe women together are such a force, making changes, starting movements, lifting up and ultimately changing the world! I also know, from my own experience that sometimes, particularly when you get to a certain point in your life, such as the point that I am at, being a mother and a wife, with responsibilities that often mean you come last that it can become a challenge to really follow your heart.
I grew up in a family where academia, being a high achiever was the way to be but I always felt that I fell short... I wasn't naturally an academic, not naturally clever, in fact I was really quite a creative but I never really knew going down the creative route could be an option for me. So, I ignored it and went down the more academic route and decided to follow the path to become a Clinical Psychologist (in fact, quite significantly, I felt called to the profession, a story for another day!).
Don't get me wrong, I don't feel that I made a huge mistake in life, in fact being a Clinical Psychologist has most of the time been extremely fulfilling and a significant achievement that I am extremely proud of for many reasons. I am proud and honoured to play a part in individuals and families lives that can make a significant difference for them. However, it seemed that the path to qualifying and then once being qualified and working, getting married, having a family meant that there was no time and space for anything else in me to find life. This left me with a real sense of frustration and at times depression, something I tried to ignore, because I felt it was too late for anything else and really how could I do anything different?
Well...fast forward a few years, a marriage and two babies later, I have been blessed to come into contact with and be surrounded by women who inspire me. Women that I can connect with and relate to. Some of these women have joined with me to create this blog, and are themselves trying to make space in their lives to follow the parts of their hearts that have been neglected...to be inspired but also to inspire other women who may connect with something that they write about and what is in their hearts.
So, please, keep reading, keep visiting the blog and if you are feeling inspired, share with us and connect with us! Lets come together and find ways to support and empower each other. Dare to Arise with us and see where this journey takes you.
So....strong, empowered and arisen woman it is a pleasure and an honour to have you read and hopefully connect with us....
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